It wasn't supposed to rain. I had plans. It was supposed to be a beautiful day. Instead it poured. And poured. And poured some more. It was supposed to be an amazing girl's weekend with old and new friends, boat rides, wine tasting and horseback riding. Instead we got rain. But through that rain, something magical began to happen. We sat around the table and we talked and shared and opened up in ways we never would have done on a beautiful day. Despite the rain, we did everything we had planned and we created memories that will last a lifetime.
Fast forward a month. It was our last weekend at the lake. We were looking forward to boating for the first time in 3 years. It was going to be the perfect weekend. And it rained. And poured. And rained some more. Not wanting to show my disappointment, I encouraged the kids to take out a game. 6 hours and a lot of snacks later we wrapped up the most amazing Monopoly game ever. We talked and shared and had fun in ways we never would have done on a beautiful day. In the midst of all the rain we had a small window of sunshine and a long awaited boat ride.
They say things come in threes. I looked at the weather. I had a meeting planned with a new friend. We were trying to get to know each other and see where our business interests intersected. It was supposed to be a beautiful day. We were going to brush the horses and chat. It was a beautiful morning. I got my chores done early and was ready for the day. Just as my friend pulled in, it rained and poured. We made a cup of tea instead. We chatted. There was a break in the rain and we visited the horses. Then we chatted again and our ideas, hopes and dreams rained down almost as if from heaven above. Neither of us were prepared for the storm of ideas flooding our thoughts and minds. We let them pour out. Again, something beautiful is about to come from the rain. I can just feel it!
God often works his best miracles when it seems like all our plans are ruined. Rain and the storms in our life almost always bring new growth. Embrace the storm and get ready for whatever God is bringing into your world.